Sunday 8 April 2012

How to blow an egg

What you will need :
-a needle
-a small bowl

1. First step is to wash your egg really really really well. Because you know it whent throw a chicken and your going to put your mouth to it.

2. Once you've washed your egg, get your pin or needle and on one of the pointier sides of the egg make a  puncture then a small hole be careful so it dosn't break.

3. put it over a bowl and turn it around now make another small hole.this is wear your going to blow threw it.
4. blow into it and the egg should start coming out on the other end of course there are other technics like using a syringe to pump air threw it.
5. when you think all the egg has come out. you'll have to wash it. first under tap water.
dunking the egg into the water
6. then fill a mug with water and dunk the egg in. keep under for a while then hold it by the holes a shake it a bit. then leave the water to flow out.
7.dry the egg and get painting !

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