Friday, 21 October 2011

How to make a halloween spider web

so as i'v promised im posting a few Halloween stuff. this is the easiest of all. And for every one who dosnt whant to buy spider webs in the shop all you need is :
  • Black or white wool
  • sticky tape or blue tack
1. figure out where you would like to put it e.g window and the middle of the spiderweb. Then cut a few longer strips to make the base of the web and stick it on.

2. Then mesure out the lengthbetween the strips but make sure you add on extra because you dont whant to stick it in a line but more with a droop in it.
3. go round nd then continue gong inwards doing the same thing (i know the instuctions arnt that clear but if you look at the picture it will be)


  1. When you were younger, did you used to make webs of sellotape?
    You know, rooms filled with it.

  2. so I was the only person so interesting to make a web out of my room? :D

  3. you made a web out of your room ? should we be worried ?
