Sunday 18 September 2011

The Bet

Ok just to mae it official me and Dina have made a bet that shes going to forget James Franco by Febuary her saying she wont. We are betting on something that i wont tell you about cus its an inside joke.. :P
just to tell you now im so going to win. well actually im thinking we're gunna totally forget about this bet but oh weel
so Dina be get ready to lose!
cus i always win
We will see who wins on the 9th of febuary 


  1. I'm gonna win,win,win because I know I will!!!!
    Because I'm not that kinda person who just forget about important thins or unimportants! HA

  2. you only started to like him cus he annoyed me ! you are so gunna forget about him and i will win ! MWA
    HA HA HA

  3. nooooooooo waaaay!!!!!! HHAHAHAHMUHAHAMUAHAH( MEAN LAUGHING) what is MWA?

  4. its my Evil laugh (this is said with an evil voice) lol you have to hear it im like inwardly laughing and this is how it goes MWA HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
